I have been trying to figure out the poor machinery that is your brain. Is it that you enjoy making stupid, selfish decisions or perhaps you think you are different ? Do you fail to see how your not so secret rendezvous is hurting people?
Are you that hopeless ? You couldn’t find your own man so you figured you can pounce on a married man. Are you so mediocre that you would settle for number two ? Hell ,who are we kidding for all we know you could be number 8 .
Is it that you think taking another woman’s man is thrilling and you are the better woman? Please if anything it goes to show what a desperate low life you are. There is no joy in bringing down another woman’s family . You are not special and one day karma will bit you in the ass.
At the end of the day, if a man can’t tell his people about you then you actually pretty much don’t exist. You are only there for more sex ,trust me he is still sleeping with his wife. The promises ,girl you know those are lies .They are more like the key to just get to your pants . Don’t you have even a little shred of self respect ? If that man loves you so much why can’t he divorce his wife or officially make you his second wife?
As for you men , can’t you just keep it in your pants? It is not a life and death situation , you can survive with one woman. You like serving up the bullshit but when it is vice versa you can’t handle it. In this era , dipping your stick in every sauce doesn’t make you a man. Are you kidding me, it just makes you a stupid horny man who ends up losing a lot .
You are not only being selfish but you also have no respect or love for your family. It is no wonder HIV/Aids is on the increase in marriages. Honestly it is not right ,it is also not fair . I get life may not be fair but still you should realize your actions have consequences. So the next time you decide to cheat on your partner try to think with your mind and not with your horny sticks or your baseless selfish desires .
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