Dear future me,
Life will not be easy, everything has its ups and downs. I hope you have learned to be stronger and empowered. I hope you are still kind and loving. I hope you still keep the scars as a reminder to try again and be better at it. I hope you won't hold on to them as a bitter memory that will not only make you vile but also taint your soul.
I hope you have grown to be a wise woman who knows the ways of the Lord and how to hold her family together.
I hope you still have a forgiving heart that will love purely and true. Don't revenge but let karma do its work. Love with all your heart and hold on to God for strength for it will still be a tough journey. Either way, I hope by now you have gotten a man worth loving. I hope you will love all the parts in him. I hope you take him as he is, both the good and the bad. I hope he will also love your soul and be there for you through the thick and thin. I hope he also will be an amazing dad. I really hope you find happiness in love. Don't give up in love.
I hope you will remember the lessons you have learned through the years. Let them sculpture and mold you into an even amazing woman. Hold no regrets instead use them to do better.
I am not worried about you as a mom because I know already. I hope by now you are reaping the fruits of the pursuit of your dreams. I hope you have established yourself as a woman with a force to reckon.
I pray that you don't let the past mistakes hinder you. We have all done things that we wish we could take back. Once or twice every woman has fallen in love with the wrong person and ended up a bit crazy but hey that's all in the past. God, I hope you have truly figured it out because I don't want the future to suck. I really hope you have at least managed to enjoy the journey and you have arrived at the destination you have always dreamed of. OH dear future self, I say this again, I really truly hope you have figured it out.
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