Written by Sylvester Kelvin Siameto
To some, its Peace, the beauty of life, the sunshine, It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father and the togetherness of a family and advancement of man's victory to a just cause and a triumph of truth. Others would fathom it as the birth of good health that brings true happiness to one's life.
Written by Sylvester Kelvin Siameto

Bt what if it can be explained as what we perceive as a self-achievement, the birth of a child, what if we can explain it as a connectedness not attained by the accumulation of knowledge or skills, but the love of the flesh. I say it’s when you have a mutual connection, a warm secure sentiment that overwhelms, that fondness that gives you the will to pursue, the vivacity which unexplainably burns inside one's soul.
I wish all these fancy words, all these writings would come close to my true definition of family love, well, my fathoming is it’s that sense of security I feel when I look at her, her big tummy, her beautiful eyes looking back at me, and all I can see, is my future, my legacy, my own flesh and blood and all my dreams turned to one reality, to me it’s like am leaving in a fantasy inside my head, only that, This fantasy is a reality I live in. It’s said Emotions are slaves to our will, yet mine is my own masters, my captures, but my source of briskness, to me, it’s that incentive that fashions my will, my wants. Written by Sylvester Kelvin Siameto
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