Maturity is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start understanding small things.I believe maturity is accepting that we are not perfect and apologizing for our mistakes as we find ways not to make the same mistakes again.
I just recently began a journey to emotional maturity .Emotional maturity is your ability to understand, and manage, your emotions. Emotional maturity enables you to create the life you desire.During the worst moments in life, emotional maturity is the one thing that will determine if you will have a breakdown or get through the difficult times.
All of us have been through painful moments, I mean life is not easy and no matter who you are it will throw you curveballs every day.One minute you have it all figured out and the next it seems like the world is closing up on you, everything has changed and you have no idea how you got here.
Yeah, that is life for you.
Emotional maturity as I recently learned is dealing with the problems head on with dignity.It is not suppressing it down and doing your best to forget.It is literally looking at the dragon in front of you and finding a way to deal with it so you can move forward.
You can shut it out for years but don't fool yourself to think that you have moved ahead if anything you are moving backward.I know this from experience, shutting down is not the right way because pain demands to be felt.Allow yourself to go through all the steps, forgive yourself and find a way to forge on.If you don't you will have a breakdown sooner or later and you will only realize this when you have actually hit bottom low. The good news as a wise counselor once told me is if you are strong enough emotionally you come back stronger and better. I don't know about you but I am optimistic that we have what it takes.
On that note, it is not going to be easy but I am sure it is worth it in the end .If you feel like giving up listen to Miley Cyrus's song the climb and it will help you, I know it has helped me.
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