So what is yoga? Yoga according to Wikipedia is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.
I recently got the pleasure to meet Catherine Kamau.She is a yoga san. I spoke to her on her self-taught journey in yoga and she really opened up my mind to the various benefits of yoga.

She began doing the poses, at first she did the simple ones but as time passed she advanced to other challenging poses and she is amazing.
She opened up about how flexible she is now thanks to her yoga practice. In her own words she explained that she has been able to release and deal with negativity and stress in a much easier way since she began practicing yoga.
She self-taught herself poses such as full spilt, half moon and hand stand. `It takes a lot of patience and passion to be able to learn different poses. It is not easy and one has to be dedicated “
Yoga is a relatively new thing in our country and there are a few places where you can learn it. She has been trying to advance her practice to the next level but it is not only expensive but it is also hard to get a sponsor to fund the course.

Seeing how at ease and super calm and collected she is, it really got me thinking if we all did yoga the world would really be a better calmer place.
To see more of her amazing yoga pose follow her on Instagram @katedelarue
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