We all make mistakes and sometimes we don't even realize that we actually did hurt the people we care about.We are all humans and no one is perfect.We try not to hurt those we love, that is always the last thing on our mind.Sometimes we act out of anger and we end up making a situation worse. For most people, once they realize they have hurt anyone they are very quick to try and make up for it.When a loved one hurts you it is best to let them know. I don't know but for me, I would appreciate the little mercy to be given a chance to apologize.You can't punish someone for something they had no idea affected you in such a manner.Not only is it unfair but it is just plain cruel.As Abraham Lincon said 'Mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.' Everyone deserves a chance to know what they did before you judge and execute them.Don't pretend that it is cool if it really isn't.How do you expect to solve an issue if only one party knows the problem but won't speak up. Don't lie that everything is fine and then turn around and be cruel to someone.Sit down tell them exactly what went wrong, if you can find a solution do it.Even God himself showed enough mercy to send prophets to tell His people to repent.He didn't just start punishing them without giving them a chance to repent.You don't have to forgive the person but give them a chance to apologize. I believe in treating people the way I would like them to treat me. Show people mercy because you also do mistakes and they forgive you even before you apologize. I also believe in karma.If someone has always treated you with kindness and respect.If you know that deep down in their hearts they would never really intentionally hurt you, give them the benefit of the doubt.Give them a chance to explain.It is never about motives sometimes they were just trying to process everything.If you can't show such a person just enough mercy to explain themselves even after they have proven to only have good intentions for you then you are in the wrong.It takes a strong good heart to forgive and to still love even in anger and pain.Don't punish someone who cares for you over especially if they don't even understand what they did wrong.You may just end up pushing them so far and losing them.Lastly, always show mercy even to those who don't deserve it. I personally think that it all starts with forgiveness.I think it is the purest form to show you love someone.
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