Social Media is great and everything but it can also land you in hot soup.Employers are now going through their employees' social media pages. According to a survey done in April last year, 60 percent of employers use social networking sites to research job candidates, up significantly from 52 percent last year, 22 percent in 2008 and 11 percent in 2006, when the survey was first conducted.More than one in four (26 percent) have found content online that has caused them to reprimand or fire an employee.
The next time you are about to post about how you got so wasted you couldn't remember how you got home, kindly think twice.
The next time you want to fake a sick leave,dont be stupid enough to post a picture of how you are relaxing with a glass of wine.No employer will hire you when all that he/she sees on your social media page is drama, alcohol, nudes and very many things that have them questioning who you truly are.
As soon as they see such, they probably shred your CV immediately and thank God they have dodged a bullet.I am not saying that you should not do your thing on your social media pages, I am just saying be classy and just avoid posting some controversial things.
Especially to people who like to post half naked pictures and sex videos, insulting posts. Honestly, what is wrong with you people.
Social media for hiring purposes is at an all-time high: 92 percent of companies use platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for recruitment, and 45 percent of Fortune 500 firms include links to social media on their career page sections.
Be careful people ,social media is now part of your CV.
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