In the words of Queen B "We run this world " It has not been easy but we are still doing our best to get our voices heard and impact the society positively.There is still a long way to go and I am sure someday we shall get there.
I have seen the strength of a woman through my mother and I am in awe of how she has handled the challenges and managed to still smile and love unconditionally.
It is truly remarkable how far women have come. We have fought for so many equality issues and rights. There was a time when a woman was never to set foot in a classroom, there was a time when a woman would not speak directly on any matter especially in front of a man.
There was a time when a woman had no choice in whoever will marry her.A time when a woman was not allowed to vote.A time when the only business a woman could have was in the kitchen and cleaning the house.
A time when women had no say in how many kids they would want .There are so many rights that we have now and we sometimes take for granted.
We are here now, .the period where women are now running multi-billion companies.A time where a woman can be a President, a time where her thoughts and suggestions are valued. Over the years women have taken over, statistics say that more women are graduating compared to men.Women are now even more successful and more financially stable .
Women are now making the important decisions both in corporate ventures and at home .It is not a small matter so many ladies before us fought to get us here.
As much as there is so much left to do.I am proud I lived in an era where women are doing great things.I am glad I know strong women who are passionate about advancing their lives and knowing their rights. I am glad to be part of the vision the ladies before fought so hard to achieve. I hope to continue the legacy they left behind and fight for the rights
women in nations where a woman is still considered unworthy.
Happy women's day people
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