Anyway, when we submit to you it is because of love and respect. It is not because we are eager to please you or we are desperate for marriage. Marriage is not an aspiration for ladies who know what they want. They know that when the right man comes it will be ok. She is not running around trying to get any man to put a ring on it .Respect is earned. We submit and give you our hearts , it is not a small feat to have the full true love of a lady .Appreciate such a lady .Dont take advantage of that power and begin acting cold . One minute you love her the next you are acting like some stranger . The hot and cold thing is truly annoying .Stick to the same pattern .One day you are funny, talkative and then all of a sudden you are all professional and acting like she is your sister.A relationship is about two people leaning on each other through the bad and the good. As a man never make a mistake of acting all distant especially when the lady is trying to adjust to the relationship. It means you cannot love her at her worst. Dont do shady stuff and when she gets mad and I repeat NEVER CALL HER dramatic and crazy. Dude if you had not been texting your ex , there would have been no reason for her to lose it.If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to lose by being truly open. If you want her to be your peace dont give her a storm .No one is perfect so learn to forgive her when she makes a mistake.Dont forgive her and then pull away.
Accept when you are wrong and just apologise . You dont have to cheat or be vile to a woman to be cruel .If you are not treating her right...you know,be the you she fell in love with.The one that actually showed he cared, the one that checked in not because it is a must but because he truly wanted to know that his lady is okay . The guy who made time to see her and most of all the guy who was not playing the hot and cold thing. I know that somethings are bound to change as a relationship evolves but that doesnt give you the excuse to stop trying .Getting the girl is easy keeping her is hard.If you cant love her enough to want to keep her ,flaws and all then kindly dont get her in the first place. If someone loves you they are giving you some of their power, do not use it in a luke warm manner , today you are here tomorrow you are unsure and distant. That hurts worse than being cheated on. It is like playing a russian roulette game with their hearts and it drives ladies crazy. You are actually hurting them.Be in or be out , there is no middle ground.You either love someone all the way or not at all.
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