It is good to take a minute to appreciate all the amazing things happening in your life.You may feel overwhelmed with a few problems but first of all ,take a minute and thank God that you are alive.
Be grateful that you may not have much in your bank account but you have health and people who love you just as you are.
Your relationship may be over or undergoing a lot of problems but that doesn't give you a reason to sulk .Use that energy to think of the best way to handle the issues you are facing.
Whatever it is you are going through ,don't let it tear you down and take away your joy and zeal for life.
I have come to realize that it does not take much to be happy. If you focus on material things you would be sad most of the time. Focus on the things not even money can buy. Focus on the little milestones you achieve every day.
Forget about the naysayers or the people who will always have a pessimistic view. Have the glass is half full perceptive. Company also affect your mood. Keep a small close-knit group...too many people just bring too much drama.
Keep people who will love you enough to tell you when you are tripping and be there for you. Keep company of people with a great mission and vision for you.
Lastly and this is important keep God close, He is the only one who can give you your heart desires and He is a great friend. At least try to be grateful that you are alive and have a chance to see a new day ,to change your destiny.
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