I hope this time we shall elect leaders with enough dignity not to launch political attacks and make digs on their adversary during a burial.Leaders who will be forthcoming with the truth and not those who will come up with narratives that suit their political careers. Leaders who have the people's needs in their hearts, who understand their counties have serious issues and they will be ready to make our lives better other than stress us by stealing money in gunias. Leaders who won't be afraid to stand up against corruption. Leaders who won't let people die due to a doctors' strike which could have been avoided. It saddens me that the poor still get the short side of the brunt and the wealthy continue to make riches off the poor man's hardship while managing to act like they actually care. We should have leaders who will not lead us to corruption but those who will deliver us from the impunity pit hole that we seem stuck in.Leaders who will respect the people, fight for the right of the people.Leaders who will leave up to their promises and who will be focused on bringing change.A leadership position is not a chance to work on getting a belly and becoming a multi-billionaire in one year. I am praying for a leader who cares enough to understand exactly what is needed to make our nation better. Someone who believes that things can change and is ready to work with the people to do whatever it is necessary to prosper. A leader with a greater vision than himself.Someone who won't use the voters as a stepping stone to riches.If you are like me and you want to see the change for a better Kenya then get your voters card and make your voice heard. It might seem small and irrelevant but one vote for the right leader can go a great way and at least you will know that you did the best you could do for your nation and for your better tomorrow.Don't sit on the sidelines and wait to see whatever happens. This is not the time to play neutral, you are not Switzerland..... let your voice be accounted for.If you don't vote then you have no right to complain about bad leadership.As a matter of fact, it is probably your fault since you didn't show up to vote for the better leader.
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