Dharshi Freddie :Man with a heart of gold

For a guy who has won so many photography awards, a successful model, and even an actor Freddie is super humble.At first sight, one is likely to sum him up as just a gorgeous model but he has so much depth and once you get to know him  all you end up seeing is his heart of gold and the passion for helping .He is a man changing the lives of so many one compassionate action at a time.

·         Who is Dharshi Freddie?  A philanthropist/ freelance humanitarian photographer and a model.
·         What led you into modeling? Mmmmm, it was not expected. Back in 2007 a good family friend by the name “Nashipae Orumoy” saw me and she thought I could make a good model later on she introduced me to an agency and the rest is God’s plan for me.

·          How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot? I was anxious, the idea that everybody is there watching and they expect nothing but the best was really nerve –wrecking but it all went smoothly.

·         Who is your role model? God because he gives me life every single minute.  I am also my own role model. We are all unique.
·           What did your parents first think of you being a model and where they supportive? You see I grew up with a harsh uncle and he never cared about modeling. He was into books and all about studying. Nobody from family truly understood my ideas or vision.
·         What inspires your photography? The need to tell True African Stories because I believe there so much to be told through photography and Africa has it all. 

·         What is your guilty pleasures food wise?  I don’t do junk foods.

·          How do you cope with the pressures of being a model? The need to keep fit always is quite a serious pressure but fitness is health.

·           If a young girl/boy wanted to be a model what would your advice for them be? First, invest in yourself and go to school, get that degree.

·      Who is your favorite designer? Every designer is my favorite provided he/she has what I want to wear.
·         You do a lot of great work with street children ...what brought this about? … I am a founder of a charity group called SOULS OF CHARITY INITIATIVE. Souls of charity initiative is a group of enthusiastic youths, mostly composed of young models, actors, musicians, and artists, who are philanthropic enough to dig from their pockets to raise funds and donations to help those who are less fortunate in the society.This can be considered as a great sacrifice and a huge act of charity since the majority of these big-hearted youths are just students in colleges and universities. Welcome to SOULS OF CHARITY INITIATIVE.
 I hate seeing someone suffer when I can help also; I believe my purpose in this world is to help others.
I have another street project called "Saidia mtoi kwa street" it's new, I started last year and the idea is being your brother/sisters keeper. I do the project every Sunday after church.
I also have a charity event on 12TH Feb.The event is dubbed ‘’ Valentine with purpose’’ .We shall be sharing our Pre-Valentines Love with this Beautiful Souls  at Martha of Little Angels children's Home off Naivasha Road.
