A Maasai love story:the finale

At this point it was already too late, you see as any normal couple who were deeply in love they had consummated their love. It was the most beautiful night in Naila's life. Even now she can remember it so vividly.She had snuck out in the middle of the night and Ladii had taken her to the river. There was a full moon and even the water looked so magical. He had kissed so passionately, so intensely yet so tender. As he lay her on the soft grass at the riverbank she knew in her heart that she would never love and be loved as she did now.As they gave themselves to one another, her heart felt overwhelmed with too much love.She wanted to freeze time and just lay there in his arms watching the moon while the crickets chirp. It was the most amazing night in her life but looking back now all she feels is sadness.
It was not until weeks later that she learned she was pregnant. She was elated because she figured her father will have no choice but to let her marry Ladii.Life, unfortunately, had another destiny planned out for her. As soon as her father learned of her pregnancy, Ladii was taken into custody by his fellow morans on the orders of her father. To say her father was furious was an understatement, nothing seemed to quench his anger towards them.He rained blows and kicks on her , for a minute she thought he was going to kill her.It took five morans to hold him down at the insistent pleas of Ladii who sat bound by ropes like a common outlaw.
If she had only known the emotional pain that will come from the events that transpired that day, she would have opted for death a thousand times.Her father ordered the morans to throw them down the steep slopes of  Balelo Hills.She begged for them to spare their lives but they refused to hearken to her pleas.Her stepmother championed for them to be declared outcasts and be banned from the community with immediate effect. Villagers she had grown to see as friends turned on her.Her brothers cursed her and disowned her without a second thought. No one stood up to support them.
Ladii begged for her life, he tried his best to appeal to the people about the fact that Naila was pregnant.They should not condemn an innocent life for the mistakes of two grownups. After much back and forth discussions it was concluded that only Ladii will be thrown off the cliff.Naila was to be thrown into the forest and Enkai would decide her fate.It  was like they were wrenching out her heart and stomping all over it.
Up to today, she remembers the last words that Ladii said to her. He shouted as loudly as he could, ``Kanyor oleng  wengerai ino ,’’ (I love you and the child so much).As he fell down the slope she literally screamt her heart out , if it hadn’t been for the fact that she had promised him to hang on for the sake of their child , she would have thrown herself down with him. Her father, with so much contempt in his eyes, sent her away into the forest.He was full of hatred and disgust, he didn’t even look back as he ordered the morans to blindfold her and dump her in the heart of the forest.
Thankfully she knew her way around the forest, thanks to Ladii. The minute they left her she found her way to Ladii’s body and she buried him with the decency he deserved.It was not easy digging a hole with a stick but she managed to do it. The events of the day had been too much for her to handle and as she buried the man she loved, she miscarried the baby they had made together. As the blood trickled down her legs, she wept in pain, anger, frustration and vengeance.She wept for justice, she wept for the love she had lost. She wept for the ignorance of her people.In her heart, she knew that she would never love another man the same way she loved Ladii.He was the greatest love of her life.Her cruel life!
She didn’t even realize how she came wandering around.She didn’t even remember her name or where she was.The missionary who found her told her that she acted like a mad woman.The missionary later took her to the hospital where the doctors said she was having a mental breakdown.It took months for her to recover, after that the missionary man adopted her and took her to America, there she became a supermodel and met Edward. Nonetheless, time seemed to have stood still as she stood face to face with her father. Her heart pounding, emotions all mixed up, he stood still returning her stare. She didn’t know what to do but then again what would you do if you were standing directly next to the ghost in your nightmares?
