He not only dreamed for equality and justice but he did all he could do to get there .You see , most of us have big dreams but we don't pursue it as much as we should.We need to realise dreaming it is not enough.We have to do more to achieve our goals .We cant sit on our ass and wait for everything to happen.You shall meet people who will put you down,tell you how you are not good enough.They will totally burn your self -esteem to a crisp and you will feel like you have done nothing but waste your time.
You will meet people who will say they will help you only to end up using you and dumping you when they have gotten all they needed from you.Some will vow to help and you shall never see them again .People will give you reasons why you should not do whatever your dream is .They will be very valid in some cases but no one ever made it without learning and taking risks
Dreams are a big part of who we are and it is a shame when you let yours go because you are too afraid to go after it .
If Oprah had given up ,the world would have missed out on such her great talent which has changed and touched alot of lives .
If Obama had let the fact that America has never before had a black president ,the world would have missed out on a great leader and Black Americans would never have that feeling they had when he was sworn in .The feeling of hope and pride in how far the Black Americans had come.Martin Luther King dreams would in a way never been fulfilled.
Sometimes in fulfilling our dream we also fulfil the dreams of many before us .
And if you decide to let your dream just slip into the 'what could have been' land then the world is missing out on you and the great things you have to offer the it.
Think of Steve Jobs,Bill Gates and the many inspiring people in the world ,what if they had not dared to dream !
Don't be afraid to dream ,fight and work hard for your dream .As Lupita Nyongo said all dreams are valid.It doesn't matter where you come from ,if you work hard you shall get there. It wont be easy but when you get there everything will be worth it.
I dare you to dream and go after it with all your might .
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