Be the change you want

We  are really good complainers  as we rightly should be. Lets  face it most of the leaders we have elected to bring change in the community have hugely disappointed us. They have done nothing other than steal our public funds  and use funerals as platforms to launch attacks on their opponents and talk about their new political aspiration.
We have grown used to the ''serikali saidia'' phrase and we just sit back blaming the government  and tomorrow we are on a new scandal  that keeps being dropped on us the Matiang'i style. I figured maybe it is time we start being the change we need in our communities.  We don't have  to wait for these leaders who  are busy to be bothered to do the work we elected them to do. All we need is the will to put in the work needed for change.
It is not about how much you have but really how much you desire to see the change .We are the ones living in these communities we understand our struggles ,our challenges and we can come together and deal head on with our problems .If your community needs clean towns then organize the youth and do it.
If you need to plant trees ,start a small chama buy the seeds and set a day aside to plant them .Start your own neighbor hood watch and let people help with the little they can. We are in charge of the change we want to see. We can solve our plights better if we all came together and decided to be part of a positive change .It starts small but then it grows and be before we know it  we have transformed our society for the better. Stop sitting there ,stand up and start or join the movement .
Have a great weekend people.
