Naila had tried to live by the code of law set for her. She felt so much pressure to right her mother’s mistake especially since she was the only daughter in the family. Her mother still found ways to see her daughter, she would secretly teach her to read under the rocks near the river. She was fascinated by the world of books; she ate it all up, always wanting to learn more, her quest for more knowledge was insatiable. It broadened her mind to the fact that there was a whole new world out there, a world where women were allowed to think. They were respected and were seen and heard.
Unfortunately, her mother passed on when she was just nine years old.She still held on to the books her mother gave her. She did her best to keep on learning. She aspired to be brave like her mother and fight her fight. Her father went ballistic when he found out; for sure she thought he would kill her with his own bare hands. After that day, she was under tight security, her every move was watched by everyone in the kraal. She was a prisoner in her own home. Her stepmother openly reminded her husband that the apple doesn’t fall from the tree. She insisted that the morans (Maasai warriors) watch her like a hawk.
Any Maasai will warn you not to mess with the morans, they can fight and kill a lion with their bare hands and they have a very short temper.Naila was sure to stay where she was told, She grew reserved and as the days passed her sadness deepened. One of the Morans had pity on her and he would always try to cheer her up. His name was Ladiani but people always called him Ladii.He was always kind to her and she began to find great comfort in his presence. He would take her deep into the forest where he would teach her how to fight and which fruits were edible. He was always telling her jokes or funny stories. At times when she could not sleep she would remember one of his jokes or his funny story and just smile to herself.
It didn’t take long for them to have more than a friendship. Ladiani became her reason to live again, to smile and he made her look at the world in a whole new perspective.The world seemed much brighter, much kinder and she embraced the warm fuzzy feeling that stirred in her heart. He had awoken something deep in her heart chambers; she could not even begin to understand it herself. Ladii became such an integral part of her life. She was hooked like an addict and he too felt the same way
They would sometimes just sit staring at one another; they didn't have to talk because the silence said much more than words ever could. Naila had never been happier in her life.Ladii was different from the other morans, just like her he was semi-educated and he understood that women were much more than a possession. He treated her like someone who actually can think for herself.He valued her opinion on different matters and thought the world of her. He was just like that prince charming she had once read about.
Her stepmother, never one to miss a beat was the first one to notice the change in her.She was very quick to report her to her father. As expected her father was not thrilled by the news.He had already begun plans for Naila to be circumcised and be married off to the son of one of his subordinate. Ladii had nothing to offer. He had no cows or land yet and therefore not worthy his daughter. He made it crystal clear to them that by no means should they dare see one another anymore.
At this point it was already too late, you see as any normal couple who were deeply in love they had consummated their love. It was the most beautiful night in Naila's life. Even now she can remember it so vividly.She had snuck out in the middle of the night and Ladii had taken her to the river. There was a full moon and even the water looked so magical. He had kissed so passionately, so intensely yet so tender. As he lay her on the soft grass at the riverbank she knew in her heart that she would never love and be loved as she did now.As they gave themselves to one another, her heart felt overwhelmed with too much love.She wanted to freeze time and just lay there in his arms watching the moon while the crickets chirp. It was the most amazing night in her life but looking back now all she feels is sadness.
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