Henry had his maid prepare and set the table .He had then set on to ensure that everything was romantic like a scene from one of those big blockbuster romantic films from Hollywood. He had scattered white roses, lit candles and had even placed mistletoe on the chandelier above the table. It was going to be an epic and memorable dinner for just the two of them.
Frank moved slowly, he didn't want to bring any attention to himself. He pushed himself through the small opening between a hedge and the white walled fence. He was full dressed in black so as to camouflage with the dark shadows of the night. He knew the housemaid always left the kitchen door open for the dog. He stealthy opened the door and slowly locked it behind him. He prided himself for being smart enough to have thought of doing surveillance before he began his mission.
Once inside he walked quietly, he began feeling worried, the lights were off and in the sitting room he could only see dim flickering lights. Did Henry find out he was coming to take what was rightfully his? He steeled himself, Henry couldn't possibly know not unless he was a magician! He was going to send a message to Henry and scare the crap out of him tonight .He could feel the gun bulging against his belt. Guns made him uncomfortable, his dad had been killed at a shoot out. His mother had really never gotten over it and six months later she had been admitted in a mental hospital. Life was never the same again for Frank and he had to learn to defend himself, to man up as the other boys in the children's home had called it.
He clutched the gun as he walked towards the sitting room. Henry had started the war when he sent his goons to beat him up. He was not going to just stand by meekly and fail to defend his honor as a man.
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