I have decided that i am going to always try to listen,you know give the person a chance to explain before i go all cray cray on them.Besides if they are lying you will be able to sniff it up in their explanation and then you can decide exactly what steps to take next.
We really should be considerate of people ,you don't know their story and you have really no right to act like you know more of their life than they do.If they wanted you to run their life they would have hired you for that. Try putting your life on track before passing harsh judgements on other people.No one is perfect and even if they have made a mistake ,confront them,correct them but don't judge them.
Always realize that there is more to people than just what you see at first.Just because some one is financially poor doesn't mean he or she cant help you in other areas of your life.Just because someone is rich doesn't mean that are good friends or have a charming personality.Learn to stop passing judgement on people for every little thing they do especially when you don't
know why they did it.
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