I once had a dream, one day an Alejandro would just walk into my life when I totally don't expect it and sweep me off my feet . He would be somewhat tall with the kind of brown eyes that destiny child sang about. He would smile like coco martin .His hair would be curly like Euginio Sillers .He would be well built ,you know with strong arms that can just scoop me up and carry me into the ocean as the sun beautifully sets .Obviously he will have a gorgeous abs the kind that even fit male models will be jealous of. In my fantasy he would teach me Spanish ,just rolling his r's would make me swoon and he would serenade me with songs ,his voice would have(for lack of a better word) a romantic depth just like Marc Antonio:
He will charm me with his bad boy with a golden heart vibe ,normally the kind of character that William levy would portray.I on my part would try so hard to fight it but alas the heart wants what it wants. His romantic antiques would leave me no choice but to fall head over heels for him.
Our love story would be epic ,we would go through crossfires of bullets for one another(yeah he would definitely be macho just like Aaron Diaz in 'Tierra de Reyes').We shall cry and fight for one another ,nothing and no one would break our relationship .Not even clever and manipulative antagonist like Claudia Buena vista or Franco Hidalgo.
In the end love would conquer all and we would happily get married and go on to pursue our happily ever after with three amazingly gorgeous kids and grow old together, even then with our faces all wrinkled up we shall still see the beauty of each other and our eyes will still glow with love.
Enjoy your week people
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