Most of us have been so accustomed to pain especially emotional pain that we have just learnt to live with it. We cover it up with smile and pleasantries and refuse to feel it. In other words it has numbed us
The problem is ,for a while it will feel like we are okay and we will pat ourselves on the shoulders and say we are strong until one day out of nowhere a small thing triggers the pain and it breaks us
It is not easy to open up or face our pain head on ,most of us run but no one can truly ran away from their demons .They tend to sneak up on us at the least expected moment and drag us back to that deep dark hole.
There are various ways to deal with the pain, you can talk about with people you trust or get a therapist. Scream, go work through it in the gym. I personally write or listen to sad music and cry, it works for me .Find an effective medium to feel the pain and let it go. It might take a while but you will get there, in the meantime hang in there.
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