It can be a little thing like asking how his day was and all hell would break lose.He would accuse her of not trusting him and turn the whole innocent conversation to a big fight.The fights would end up with her getting hit over and over again.She is damned if she speaks to defend herself and damned if she doesn't.She lives in a state of paranoia in her own house where normally one should feel safe.She always has excuses for her injuries and would never come out and say that he is beating her.
Another woman in our rural community is now spending time in prison after a very sad turn of events .Her husband got mad when she confronted him about his decision to marry a second wife.The verbal fight ended with the woman being stripped in front of her teenage son and being flogged by the husband .I don't know if it was a case of temporary insanity that led to the woman killing her son for seeing her naked .The neighbors got there in time to save the other kids but one life had been lost.
It is really tragic when you hear this stories.I don't know why people hold on to something so violent .I get it is hard to walk away especially when kids are involved but you are not doing any justice to your kids .They deserve to live in a peaceful environment .You may not see it but you are hurting them psychologically and that is really hard to repair once it is done .One day things may escalate to another tragic level where someone dies .Speak out about it,don't hide it and get help to start healing emotionally and psychologically.
He says it will never happen again but you know that he is lying .You are always worried ,going out of your way to be exactly what he says .Your kids see the fear in you and they are also very scared.
Love yourself enough to walk away ,it will not be easy but it is better to try and build your life other than dying in the hands of someone who claims to love you.That is certainly not love and a marriage is not built on such foundations.Love your kids enough to give them a sense of peace and to ensure you will be there for them.No kid wants to bury their mother who was killed by their father.
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