The question you should really ask yourself is how safe are you .How can I protect myself and watch out for the signs .
First of all most psychopaths have superficial charm .They come in the pretense of a wolf in a sheep clothing. They would be very kind and will try to win your trust by good deeds
A Psychopath will also have a grandiose self perception. He or she will believe that they are more smarter or stronger than they actually are.
He or she will always feel the need for constant stimulation and impulsive
Pathological lying is also one of the traits. He or she will tell all kinds of lies to mislead and they are very good at it.
They are also the best manipulators ever .They are cunning and can get people to do things that they ordinarily wouldn't do. They can use any method to manipulate you whether it is guilt ,force etc.
They lack remorse ,a psychopath doesn't feel guilty or show true guilt whatsoever but they are really good at feigning it. They have shallow emotional response, they react differently to events that can cause deep emotional response such as death,injuries etc. They also lack true empathy and compassion. They have cognitive empathy but lack affective empathy which means they cant feel it.
It is important to note that not all psychopaths are killers ,some hold very important positions in the world .
Below is a link to a psychopath test....I dare you to find out if you are one!
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